What God Taught Me Tonight

I must share these thoughts with you. Christ's power within us is a mighty thing! Sin is destructive to ourselves. It seems attractive & pleasing to us but me must live as Christ lived & live not to please ourselves (Romans 15). We must live to please God our Father. With Him within us we can overcome all sin! No matter how great the temptation. The devil is always lurking & preying on our minds hoping we will fall to his traps. But I am here to tell you God is always around us too, continually strengthening us from these traps! Listen to Him when He speaks; when He provides a way out of our temptation. The offer is extended but we must take it. Do not entertain temptation because I guarantee you you will fall to sin because entertaining temptation is not God's will & it will sway our minds away from God. I come to you tonight with a humble heart. With an imperfect heart. A heart God is continually working on...& continually teaching. I was reading Romans 6 to verse 17 before I stopped & typed this. I am very excited to share this with you beloved friends! I urge you to read this whole chapter & give it some thought. Never stop learning dear friends.


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