Make Your Living, Dear Pilgrim

Make your living dear pilgrim with whatever makes you happy. Before you take these words into consideration though think about this verse: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. -Matthew 6:21 & in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it is written do all for the glory of God. So once our treasure lies in God & not in the world & we do whatever we do for His Glory we will be happy. Once our interests He's instilled in us come alive something really cool happens. Forget the worlds definition of rich & poor. What God wants us to do we will be happy making our living for Him. I had the privilege of seeing Francis Chan (more than once!) but a few summers back I heard him say this & I'll never forget it...I want the things I do in this life to have an impact on the next life (referring to Heaven). The moral of this story is what you do for the Glory of God make sure to share that Glory with other people. Because that...that is what makes it all important! Sharing God with your neighbors, co-workers, family, friends, everyone! Creed Bratton from the television show The Office said "if I can't scuba what has this all been about, what have I been working towards?" This sounds random but change a few words & it makes sense (unlike most things he says) If we don't share Jesus with people what has this all been about, what have we been working towards? So incorporate all these things: our passion (hopefully our job), our hobbies (what we find fun & interesting to do in our spare time), sharing (God & all the great things that come with Him!), family (this is a big one), friends, etc. this is what makes our living! And don't forget an integral part...improving the present moment.


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