
I must first apologize for not posting last week as I told you all I would. God has been preparing me for this post though. He's been imparting to me so much knowledge that I must share it with all who will listen. So here is what God has been telling me:

Surrender. All to Him. No matter what your situation is, what you are struggling with, if you believe your problems to be big whereas they're actually small, it does not matter. God requires that you first follow Him. First seek His counsel before you speak and act. No I don't mean to say what is going on in your life does not matter. What I am saying is when what is in your life is put in foreground and He recedes into the background; when your thoughts turn not first to Christ, that is when they do not matter. They can't matter because you are not letting Him be a part of them. God is the central force in our life. When that stops being the case nothing else matters. Our lives go through seasons, and sometimes we forgot to incorporate God into those seasons. Surrender. Stop immediately and realize what is going on. Seek what He is telling you. Open your ears and close your eyes. With our eyes closed we are truly allowed to refocus our vision. Always remember this life is and will pass away. Put nothing first in it except that which is eternal. Once we organize our lives according to the line He sets all will fall into place. Remember though, what you feel plagues you today may not plague you tomorrow or new plagues will come. Rejoice! In the trials & suffering know it is absolutely minuscule to what your Savior endured. Remember that He brought it on gladly so that his beloved my rejoice their Savior rescued them from true torment and darkness. This leads me into my second and last point.

Yesterday as I was conversing with the Father, He spoke these words to me, "Aren't you tired of crucifying your Savior?" This pierced me. "Yes," I said. If Jesus, when crucified took on every sin all across time, even the ones that have not occurred yet, and time is still going then that means Christ is still on that cross suffering in indescribable agony because of my continual selfish actions. That is the only reason he is up there. I put him there. Why would I want the one who loves me the most to be there in the first place, let alone stay there, continually reliving, all the more paying it gladly. Doesn't that break your heart? It sure breaks mine. Praise the Lord though that Christ took on our sins, sacrificing what I could not. Providing a way that we may sin no longer. So we may join Him in His perfect love and become one with the Perfect One. "On that day (when I am raised to life again,) you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20). What an incredible thought! Forego your sinful desires. Surrender all to Him!! Let that day be this day! Aren't you tired of crucifying your Savior? I know you are. Today Christ has been raised to life and you are One with the Trinity. Through Christ's sacrifice God has been reconciled with His people and you personally have been sewn into the Trinity allowing Him to be the central force in your life.

I want you to ponder these thoughts God has given me to share with you. My friends always be open to hearing and seeing his Work in your life. First you must look within, then you will see the Kingdom of Heaven on earth so that you may continually build it for Him. Peace be with you my friends. Never stop improving the present moment.


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