It Must Be True...It Is True

I love you, Lord. You are my strength. -Psalms 18:1
He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak. -Isaiah 40:29
Depend on the Lord and his strength; always go to him for help. -1 Chronicles 16:11
The Lord saves good people; he is their strength in times of trouble. -Psalms 37:39
Ponder Upon these verses. God layed on my heart tonight to share with you, my dear friends, that those who need strength from the Lord shall have it. Call upon his name with a humble heart and he will not abandon his people. I really love Isaiah 40:29...that one really hits me. I want you to think of these verses throughout your day & especially in your times of where strength is what you need most. I also see strength corresponding with patience & probably many other things. It's a really beautiful thing to see how these attributes, if you will, flow & weave together working in unison all for our better. So in the times when you say "God, see my heart, search me Lord, I call upon you to give me strength & patience." When these things are given to you you will improve the present moment & be lifted in spirit my dear friends. Trust me but above all trust God that He will give these things to you & help you. I want to throw this in just for fun because I found it kinda funny "The young glory in their strength, and the old are honored for their gray hair." -Proverbs 20:29. Have a great week my friends & keep these verses in mind!


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