The Significance of Insignificance or the Equilibrium of Time

Do not put too much time into your worldly possessions because what is important to you is not always important to others. Let me explain by giving an example. This past week I've given a lot of thought to phones (which brand is better than the other), their operating systems, what looks cooler, what I want in this phone & what I don't want in that phone. And it struck me...none of this would probably matter to a blind person or a person with (insert here). So is this a good use of my time? Does this, in all truth & honesty (I love saying that now by the way) owe that much of my attention & does it matter. Am I focusing on less important things when truly more important things are at hand? My answer is yes & no. It is all in accordance with a balancing of time. This applies to all recreational things. Give an interest in what you like but don't let that interest go too far so as you miss truly important things. I'll give you an example from me. Instead of looking up the latest technology news before I went to bed & letting that consume my time from then until sleep I thought to myself, "I really should read today's Magnificat Lenten Companion (a daily reading through Lent)." So thus I see it as an equilibrium. As Jesus said “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21). Give time to things that interest you but give your time also to God. So significance & insignificance only go so far. It becomes insignificant when it's significance becomes too significant to you...a paradox maybe. With these thoughts I leave you dear friends.


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