Much is Required

This week God has really been hammering home to me Luke 12:48 "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required". School, work, & other things are keeping me busy, more busy than I've probably ever been. Often though, it is easier to look at this as a discouraging aspect. Why do we look at a busy life as a discouraging thing? This is a question I am asking you. Earlier in Luke (10:2) Jesus told us that "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest". 

We need to remeber our calling. The Father bore us into this world to make disciples for Him! Jaco Booyens (I highly suggest you look him up and follow him on social media) said, "a good leader doesn't create followers, a good leader creates other leaders". But a leader cannot be a leader if he is not given much. A good leader cannot create other leaders if he is not first entrusted with them. With what is given to you much will be required. God gives you tasks, He puts people in your lives, and He asks in return that you turn them back over to Him so He will be glorified. The Father does not expect you to do this all on your own. 

As I progressed through the week Luke 12:48 kept replaying in my head. The central part I was forgetting though, was Jesus' words "I will ask the Father, and He will give you anothe Helper, that He may be with you forever;" Amen! The Helper comes in many forms, as my sweetheart so kindly reminded me today. Business, stress, decisions all need not burden us. They do though because we forget the Helper is with us, not today, not tomorrow, but forever, for every day! Many tasks are given to us, but you know what the beautiful thing is...God would not give them to us if He knew we could not handle them. So as you go through your week rememeber that you have been given much, yes much is required, but He will give you another Helper, because the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray earnestly in His name to be sent out into his harvest so that you will reap what you sow through Him. Be guided by Him creating leadership with your actions and tasks. You are trusted with much, but you are not asked to handle it alone. The Lord of the harvest would not entrust you and send you out if He did not have a purpose.  

Improve the present moment my friends. 


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