Joy Is Ours

I told you before that we love you so much we would live or die with you. I feel very sure of you and am very proud of you. You give me much comfort, and in all of our troubles I have great joy. (2 Corinthians 7:3, 4) This verse is so beautiful and reassuring. It is a verse that we all should apply to our daily lives in treating and thinking of other people. But for now I want to focus on the last part where Paul says, "and in all our troubles I have great joy." I think of that last part whenever I have troubles or in all honesty, just flat out tired and worn out from the day or week. It reminds me even though I'm tired or troubled and want to be a crabby person I really have nothing to complain about but should have joy and thankfulness instead. Paul exhibits this joy by living his life for God. He had much to complain about for his troubles were many, more than we have, yet he still had joy and didn't complain (I'm sure he complained sometimes like all humans do). His joy was founded in Jesus Christ his saviour. The trials and tribulations he experienced he suffered them all to the glory of Christ. When we think of our troubles we must think Christ had much worse troubles than us, so truly what do we have to complain about? (But always cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7) Instead we should have joy knowing Christ is our strength and we are affirmed in Him. When Jesus was troubled, yes Jesus did get troubled (John 11:33) in many instances he prayed to the Father for guidance and assurance. So next time you're troubled remember joy is yours in Christ Jesus our risen Lord, pray to Him that He may give you joy and thus is shall be yours (Mark 11:24). Improve the present moment to the best of your abilities Christ gives you dear friends!


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