Let's Talk About Trafficking

Hello my dear friends. This past weekend I was able to witness a convicting film titled 8 Days which deals with the very real, present situation of human trafficking in the United States. For those of you who don't know, human trafficking is sexual slavery concerning both sexes. Everyone probably below the age of 24 is a target. No matter race, class, background, etc. anyone in that young age range is a target and this is not just an expanding but a booming business.

We like to turn our eyes away from things that don't immediately appear to affect us. We justify it by saying "it's not our business" or by simply pretending it doesn't happen. Well let me tell you friends, this ugly injustice does occur and it is prevalent. To those of you in the immediate area, Wichita is the fifth largest trafficking city in the United States...fifth largest trafficking city...we have to abolish this satanic practice right now. Right. Now.

Listen friends, we are God's chosen people. He deems that we execute His will and we do not remain passive and lazy. As Christian's we hold the power to overcome every evil. We cannot stand on the sidelines and expect someone else to step up to the plate. We are God's people and nothing that stands before it will stop us. If we unite to end sexual slavery then it will be ended. Take heart in these words I am giving you by remembering Isaiah 14:24-27.

Isn't that an incredibly powerful verse? "The Lord of heavenly forces has created a plan; who can stop it?", amen to that brothers and sisters! "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." are the words Jesus gives us to reassure that we win!

The other looming issue that truly is not looming it is only the media that presents it as looming, is that of abortion. Every day I wear an Abort73.com bracelet to show my support in ending abortion which is another satanic practice. Some of you may have seen Kelsey Grammar wearing an Abort73 T-Shirt which stirred up a lot of controversy in the media. 

You know what friends...if the controversy is bettering God's kingdom and bringing His will to light then do not...hear me!...DO NOT BE AFRAID of stirring up controversy. Yes these are dark and depressing issues that we would rather not think about but Proverbs 24:11-12 states:

"Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death. Don't excuse yourself by saying, 'Look, we didn't know.' For God understand all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve."

I'm going to leave this blog post on that convicting note. Reread that passage from Proverbs and let the word of God sink in. I want to leave you with a few questions.
1.      What am I doing to fulfill my Christian duty to protect our children and end human trafficking and abortion?
2.      Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to interact with me daily to improve the present moment and am positively impacting my neighbors and community?
3.      Will I follow in the footsteps of Christ and remember that it is written, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matt. 19.14).
My dear brothers and sisters open your hearts to the commanding word of Christ allowing The Helper to raise you to move in this country in ways you never imagined. Ending human trafficking and abortion is all up to one...that "one" is the body of believers of Jesus Christ. The whole body must be in unison though. (1 Cor. 12:27). I write all of this to you in love. Open your hearts dear brothers and sisters and that is where you will find how to improve the present moment.


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