Truth in a Dark Time

I am sure by now everyone who has taken the time to look into it has read what those with a prominent voice are saying about the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church shooting in South Carolina. The three main topics being pulled out of this situation are gun-control, racism, and domestic terrorism. These three topics are deferment for accepting responsibility. However the country is led those are the ways it will go. I have not heard this country being led in the ways of love, not by our prominent leaders anyway. The truth only resides in love and love only resides in the truth.

Sadly, this country, I believe, has lost sight of the truth. "I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life..." were the words Jesus gave to his disciples so they may go out through the world sharing this core belief. If we do not believe this then all is lost. If we cannot look at our situations with the eyes of Christ, we cannot understand where the truth lies and instead we will substitute it with issues that promote our own agenda instead of His.

The agenda of racism, domestic terrorism, and gun violence is born out of the lack of love. The lack of love occurs from a lack of guidance. The lack of guidance is a fault to be found within ourselves. We are the root of the issue. Racism, terrorism, and violence are all issues we have created ourselves. We are all so quick to point the finger though. A leader accepts responsibility for the actions of his people and does not pass the buck, but finds a way to heal the situation. What did Jesus say? "I am the way". My friends, this is the heart of my post: that the truth is singular and not plural. In our society we are taught "multiple truths". The truth is that murdering is wrong. But to that young man, murdering was not wrong. Why? Because he was taught otherwise. Strong leadership and conviction in all areas needs to be put into action. Not just on the governmental level, but on the local level, even greater on the home level. All these areas flow in union, but the Trinity is bonded in our family, and this family is not just localized to the nuclear family, but the church family, etc. 

We must remember this world is passing away. Till it is all passed we must improve the present moment. I use "we" so much in this post because this effects all of us. Together we are one people, who will either fail together or rise together. It is up to Christians to always be united on the basis of love. Gene Williams the former pastor of my church said, "We shouldn't have to tell people about Christ with our words. People should see Him in us and want what we have". Amen. The world, our society, our people will not change their ways if they do not see the Church growing through these issues. The members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church chose to put on the eyes of Christ. They have been able to see past the issues of the world and they see the heart of the matter...they see the truth. This is about love. Never stop improving the present moment.

**Further Reading**
John: 18:36-38, 19:10-11 
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from this world." Then Pilate said to him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world-to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice." Pilate said to him, "What is the truth?" So Pilate said to him, "You will not speak to me? Do you know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?" Jesus answered him, "You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above..."

Today God provided me with these passages to share for understanding. With these tragedies we ask why certain people are not delivered from dire circumstances, and I can see people thinking this especially since it happened to a pastor and his congregation. Jesus reminds us that his kingdom is not of this world, for if it was it would not be necessary for him to be delivered over to his persecutors. Jesus was brought into this world and murdered to bear witness to the truth. His people follow in his footsteps.The members of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal exemplified Philippians 1:21; "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain". Through their sacrifice they have gained a reward more than we know, and bore witness to the truth in the process. This man who murdered only accomplished bringing the truth to light. The truth is when we sacrifice ourselves for the love of Christ His truth is talked about even more, his love reaches farther, his glory shines brighter. Remember "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:15). This man's purpose was driven by hatred, but God's purpose is driven by love. This man's action has caused a horrible tragedy, but at the same time opened up love to the world through the example of God's people.

My last thought brought me to tears today. When Pilate explains to Jesus he has to power to save him or murder him, Jesus explains the only power Pilate possesses is given to him from above. That is hard to grasp. The only power the Enemy has is to be used for God's purpose. The Enemy only plagued Job to ultimately show the glory of God. Christ's sacrifice bridged man with God through a loving bond. The sacrifice of the members of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal show the world the Enemy has not overcome God's people, and that truth only becomes more prevalent.


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