The Necessity of Temptation

Last week I was listening to Father Thomas Hopko's podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. Midway through his podcast on the temptation of Christ he quoted Saint Anthony who said: "No one can be saved without temptation". Lately my posts have been about how we should view temptation in our lives. St. Anthony said it in just seven words. Temptation is imperative for salvation. 

Let us think about what St. Anthony had to say. What St. Anthony said is a foreign thought, but I believe it is because we have at the least not been taught otherwise. Start with the first temptation, the tree containing the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. The tree that God created was not originally a temptation. Adam and Eve were only tempted once the enemy twisted God's command into the temptation of disobedience. Yes Adam and Eve went against God so they gave into temptation which was the enemy's demands instead of God's. Remember though, they had a choice. Their choice in ways separated them from God, but through their choice salvation was offered. Ultimately salvation was offered through Jesus Christ.

Jesus was fully mortal yet still fully God so keep in mind he was not above temptation. Father Hopko explained how temptation is tailor made to the individual. Christ was his own person so his temptation's were different than ours. These tailor made temptations are those that wish to separate us from God the most. This only makes sense because one thing may be a temptation to some whereas it may not be a temptation to others so we are not tempted by what does not tempt us. Instead, we are tempted by what preys on our individual weaknesses. In Jesus' case he was tempted to forego his Messianic duty. Do not forget that it was Jesus who went into the desert. The reason Christ ventured into the desert was to grow closer to God by way of defeating what most plagued him. Temptation was necessary for Christ to grow closer to his Father. 

Jesus Christ intended his situation to be an example for us to understand and follow. When the enemy comes to us when we are most weak we must remember God's words to Paul: " power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak then I am strong" (2 Cor. 12.9, 10). This is exactly what St. Anthony was talking about. We cannot be saved and strengthened by the Father if we are not weak and surrender ourselves to His will instead of our own. Temptation is absolutely necessary in order for us to grow closer to God. 

Next time you are tempted, realize that is the part of your life you are lacking in giving over to God. The enemy hits you where he knows the blows will do the most damage. Thankfully Jesus Christ literally took those blows upon himself so when we are faced with trials we can be made perfect in our weakness. Think of the areas exposed in your weakness as another highlight of temptation. The enemy reveals to you where you need to grow in God. Always remember, the enemy's ways are counter-productive to his mission and he undoes himself every time he comes to tempt you. Instead of giving the enemy the upper hand realize he is exposing himself for defeat and you can only glorify God when you are humbled and that is when He strengthens you. Our Father is always working for our better in all situations. We simply need to realize the nature of temptation and that it is a necessity for our spiritual salvation. Tying back to Adam and Eve, God knew the end product of their choices to temptation would be salvation through Jesus Christ (the new Adam); remember God does not create the beginning without the end. So to all of you my brothers and sisters that have given the enemy the upper hand in their life through temptation I pray you begin to realize God's plan in temptation. Your heavenly Father does not wish for you to struggle, but to be made perfect in your weakness. Never stop improving the present moment. 


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