The Highlights of Temptation

Temptation in itself is not all. Here is why I say that: Free will is the power to choose and in order for free will to exist temptation exists. Temptation is not God's creation, it exists in the realm of free will though, which God did ordain. 

Wait, what is free will though? Free will, as we think of it is the power to choose. There are only two choices in this world. God's choice and our choice. 

Let's break that last bit down even farther. God's choice is always right. Our choice is always wrong. I say that because Galations 2:20 "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me". When "we" are making choices that are God's choices "we" are not really choosing those choices on our own. The Helper (The Holy Spirit) is living, breathing, enabling us to have the power to choose God's choices. Once we ask God to enable The Helper to live through us then free will becomes evident...we are free to choose whatever we like...but we can see more clearly, we can see Christ is freedom, we are as Christ, God's will is our will, thus free will is understood for what it truly means.

Remember there is no alleviation from temptation. We've already choice. Temptation comes on us at no specific time. It feels overbearing, overwhelming, and no choice has been left but to simply give in. Giving in is easy right? It really requires no thought and you have satisfied whatever you felt needed satisfying...or so you think. What if I told you we have been thinking of temptation in the wrong way...completely wrong! 

What if I told you temptation is two opportunities, but for some reason we can only see it as one. When Jesus was being tempted in the desert the Enemy presented him one side, but Christ presented him another. And this brings up why did Christ go into the desert in the first place if he was just going to be tempted. Why did he put himself in that situation? The answer is so he could grow closer to God. That my friends...that right there is what we need to do! 

Stop thinking of temptation as a dire circumstance that is unbearably, actually is not. Yes we are seeing through a glass darkly, but that is in order for us to see the light. God's glory right now in our state is too much for us to experience. So "we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known" (1 Corin. 13.12). 

Think about what I've just said in terms of sunglasses. When we are outside the sun-light is just too much for us and we cannot see clearly although the light illuminates all. So we put on sunglasses in order to see more clearly. With sunglasses the darkness is not highlighted...the light is highlighted, and we can see it more clearly. 

Remember the shekinah glory? Christ was veiled for us to see and comprehend. When his miracle was lifted the apostles had to shield their eyes because it was too much for them to bear. 

So when we are tempted, the darkness is not what should be highlighted. Temptation highlights our need for Christ. It highlights The Helper in our lives. Once we begin to think this way, God's freedom is understood for how it really is. There is only the freedom Christ brought. Even in temptation Christ was free and so are we. For Christ was, is, and ever shall be. 

My dear brothers and sisters. I pray these words God has spoken through me will resonate with you; I pray the God of glory reveals to you more and more each day who He is and how we can see Him. Never stop improving the present moment.


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