God Is Still Here, He Never Left

It has been quite a while since I've written anything and I apologize for that. School has kept me very busy so  it is the main factor why I haven't posted as of recent but school is about over now. This leads me to what I'm going to discuss today. Everyone can have a busy life at times (this is understandable and normal) but this busyness shouldn't consume us to the point where God filters to the background and work, school, sports, (fill in the blank) becomes a priority on our minds above God. I think it's human for this to happen but this doesn't make it an excuse. Our minds become focused on what's going on in our lives and since these things are visible to us we can fall into thinking about them more than thinking about God. This really becomes a problem because handling stress becomes worse, our relationships with people can lessen to what they shouldn't be, and our emotions can run high and unchecked. When we keep God at the center of our lives He helps us handle all these things appropriately. Trying to deal with stress on our own will most likely result in more stress because as humans we are not that great at dealing with it. When we bring it to God though He gives us a peace about it and gives us guidance that we need. The same goes for relationships with people and our emotions. Without God they're strained and not in their proper place. With God our relationships and emotions are happy and healthy. A personal example is when I get really busy and I haven't read my Bible in a while (which are like batteries for me, that'll be for another post though) I turn toward frustration when I should be turning to God. When I turn to frustration nothing gets better, I don't feel better, I just end up getting more frustrated and grumpy. So the lesson to be learned is to turn to God who is solver of all our problems and giver of peace. Dear brothers and sisters I pray your lives are going great and notice they are filled with the light of the Father. In my absence I hope you have kept improving the present moment and never forget to keep improving the present moment through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ!


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