
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Necessity of Temptation

Last week I was listening to Father Thomas Hopko's podcast on Ancient Faith Radio. Midway through his podcast on the temptation of Christ he quoted Saint Anthony who said: "No one can be saved without temptation". Lately my posts have been about how we should view temptation in our lives. St. Anthony said it in just seven words. Temptation is imperative for salvation.  Let us think about what St. Anthony had to say. What St. Anthony said is a foreign thought, but I believe it is because we have at the least not been taught otherwise. Start with the first temptation, the tree containing the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. The tree that God created was not originally a temptation. Adam and Eve were only tempted once the enemy twisted God's command into the temptation of disobedience. Yes Adam and Eve went against God so they gave into temptation which was the enemy's demands instead of God's. Remember though, they had a choice. Their choice in ways s