
Showing posts from February, 2015

Lent 2015

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. With this article I want to introduce to you a few concepts to keep in mind throughout this season of Lent. First, I want to say that we keep in mind that Lent is not a game. I am sorry if that is offensive; I do not mean to insult anyone's intelligence, but what has come to my mind this past week is the potential for people to get caught up in what they are giving up instead of why they are giving something up. It is important to remember that we, as followers of Christ, should be living in a constant state of Lent. This period of time is set aside for deeper denial and reflection we normally don't enact in our life. God calls each of us to different levels of denial so it is pointless to compare what people give up. This brings me to my second point of this paragraph. Lent is not about what we are giving up, so much as it is about why are we giving something up. When Christ journeyed into the desert he didn't say to hi